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Our Vision:
A world where all dogs are valued, protected and safe.
Animal rescue is an emotional endeavor. Dogs are in danger every day, through no fault of their own. Decisions about which dogs we can bring into our rescue are literally life and death. Because of the large numbers and the urgency of need, those dogs that are especially challenged are frequently left behind by shelter visitors and by rescue organizations. These are the dogs that need special care and have been abused and forgotten. They are most often filthy, frightened, and sick. They are seldom chosen to be saved.
AHDRO takes those that we are able to rescue and gives them the chance they’ve never had. As a result, in addition to our healthy dogs, we are oftentimes caring for a dog that requires long-term attention.
We provide a safe and caring environment for all the dogs we rescue, and do whatever is necessary to enable them to become healthy, carefree dogs that, in turn, become beloved pets, living out their lives in peace and contentment. We want to save those that would be left behind, those that have medical issues, and those that are seniors, all of whom need a place to be safe until an adoptive home is available.
Homeless Animals By the Numbers
While our continued persistence and determination to rescue these dogs in need save more than a hundred lives a year, we know we can not save every dog. The statistics are astounding:
Six to eight MILLION Dogs and cats are relinquished to shelters each year. Of these, three to four MILLION of those dogs and cats are euthanized in the U.S. each year.
This averages to one euthanasia every 8 -9 SECONDS The only solution to this ongoing crisis in education.
We continue to work on our programming, and during the past year, we have taken steps to bring several ideas to fruition. We have put a Senior Program into place. We have partnered with area companies to provide hands-on educational experiences. AHDRO volunteers have been guest speakers, explaining the importance of spaying and neutering. We invite guest speakers to AHDRO general meetings to provide continuing education.
We have a vision and great passion. Each step we take leads us to the next, and we are firm in our mission to provide a loving home for our dogs, extend that care to humans through our animals.